Home-made treatments for our hair can be a cost saving alternative. Those of us who are suffering from hair damage or hair loss will keep an eye out for organic hair treatments. Only a few among us know that the best treatments for hair can be achieved from inexpensive products at our home.

Let’s have a quick look at the top methods to repair dry and damaged hair, provide nourishment and growth for hair loss and bringing back life and shine into dead hair.

Repair Hair with Avocados

Avocados are an impressive natural source of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals; all of which are integral to lustrous shiny hair. Make and Avocado and egg mixture and apply to wet hair for 20 minutes. Repeat once a week.


Butter Up Conditioner

Butter can immediately bring glossy shine to hair. Massage a small quantity into the hair. Later, cover the hair with a shower cap for 30 minutes. Repeat once a week.



Olive Oil Massage Treatment

Warm about half a cup of olive oil and then massage it slowly into the hair. Cover the hair with a shower cap and wrap in a towel. Leave it on for 45 minutes. Olive oil delivers nutrients immediately and brings shine.  Repeat when necessary.



Leave-In Tea Rinsing

Use unsweetened warm tea to give the hair a rinse after shampoo. Tea can have an enhancing effect on hair color. Blondes should use chamomile tea and brunettes should use black tea since it darkens the locks. Repeat once a week.



Sandalwood Oil Conditioning

Mix together a few drops of sandalwood and olive oil. Jojoba oil can also be added in this mixture. Smoothly massage it from the ends of the hair to the scalp to bring immediate shine and remove flyaway. Repeat once a week.



Apple Cider Cleansing

It is important to protect and cleanse hair after trips to the beach. Harsh environments can deliver a lot of harm to hair. Apple Cider is an excellent hair cleanser. Mix a quarter cup of apple cider with 3/4 cup water to the cleanse hair properly.



Omega-3s Doses

Omega-3s doses are very important for hair growth and repair. These doses can comprise of primrose oil, or flaxseed oil and borage oil. Omega-3 fatty acids like gamma-linolenic acid help the hair grow stronger and shiny.
